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Experience using with various version controlling tools such as GIT, SVN and project management tools such as JIRA, Confluence, Rally, and Radar.Experience includes hands-on working knowledge in using various IDE’s such as WebStorm, VSCode, Eclipse, Aptana.Experience with debugging & troubleshooting existing code using debugging tools like Firebug, Chrome Developer Tools.Experience with Model View Controller (MVC) & MVVM Design Pattern using frameworks such as Angular (2/4) and ReactJS.Experience with JQuery Plug-ins (Validate, Drag and Drop, Auto complete), AJAX, Dynamic HTML (DHTML) and JSON.Worked on different web - browsers such as Internet explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Mac’s Safari.Developed visually appealing designs focused on usability, browser compatibility and to web standards.

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Experience with different methodologies such as Agile and waterfall in life cycle development process of Software development life cycle (SDLC) which includes Scrum meetings, iterations and task analysis.About 8+ years of experience in developing User Interface (UI) application and web applications using HTML5, CSS3, Java scripts, AngularJS, Angular (2/4), ReactJS, JQuery, AJAX, JSON and XML.

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